ABOVE: Selection from the 2024 tours (from left) Weedman Design Partners, ©George Barberis Photography; Village West Design, ©Jessica Brydson Photography; Osmose, ©The Morrisons; Levy Art + Architecture, © Joe Fletcher Photography
GRAY magazine and Modern Architecture + Design Society (MA+DS) are headed to Seattle, Portland, and Phoenix this year to showcase exceptional residential design!
Join us on these self-guided tours through inspiring homes and gardens designed by some of the most talented creatives in these cities. We’ll introduce you to top designers, brands, and contractors. You’ll gain inspiration, and connections to industry leaders, and fresh ideas for your next project.
JUNE 28, 2025
SEPT. 20, 2025
OCT. 18, 2025
Want your project to be featured on tour?
There is no fee to submit or participate.
The deadline for submissions is rolling. Submissions will be reviewed as they are received. We may fill up quickly, so please submit as soon as possible.
We're looking for the same type of projects that the magazine would feature. Projects do not have to be brand new, but they do need to be show-ready and exhibit a fully encompassing interior and exterior (ideally) design. We are also seeking projects that haven't be toured extensively already.
We require that your project is professionally photographed and that you extend usage to GRAY and MA+DS and other media outlets to promote the event.
All projects must be fully completed by one month prior to the tour date.
There is no set geographic boundary in each metro-area, however, geographic proximity of submitted projects may be a factor in our selection.
All rules and guidelines can be found on the application page.